Pecha Kucha --Japanese for the sound of conversation-- taps into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown. The brainchild of Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, Klein Dytham architecture, Tokyo, began in 2003 as a forum for designers to meet, network, and show their current work to the public, and has since spread to over 150 cities across the world.Organized and launched in DC in March 2007, Capitol Pecha Kucha promotes local DC creatives working in all media including the visual arts, architecture, design, music, fashion, film, and literature.
The Pecha Kucha Night patented presentation system allows presenters 20 images each shown for 20 seconds - giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. Talks are concise, the interest level is constant, and more presenters receive the opportunity to share their work.
Please join us Wednesday, January 7th for Capitol Pecha Kucha Volume 6 which focuses on Change, specifically individuals who are addressing meaningful Global Issues in their work. The timing couldn't be better for this event and we are excited to have this platform to highlight these individuals.
Presenters:Keith Bellows (Editor-in-Chief National Geographic Traveler)http://traveler.nationalgeographic.com/
Karim Chrobog (Director/Producer)http://www.warchildmovie.com/Maya Ajmera (Global Fund for Children)http://www.globalfundforchildren.org/Chris Rainier (Photojournalist)http://www.chrisrainier.com/Vahid Jahangiri (NGO Program Director for Sudan)http://www.lifelinefund.org/Travis Price (Environmental Architect)http://www.travispricearchitects.com/Geeta Raj (The Global Sleepover)http://www.theglobalsleepover.com/Tegy Thomas (SuperNova7 Productions)http://www.changemakers.net/en-us/node/14667
Shinji Turner Yamamoto (Environmental Artist)http://yamamotoshinji.com/Music provided by: Brien Zachary Watson, DJhttp://www.brienwatsondj.com/
For more information about presenting at one of our upcoming events, please contact us at info@capitolpechakucha.org.
*Participants must submit entry form/images for their presentations to local organizers in advance, in order to present at Pecha Kucha Night Events*
Location: The Resources and Conservation Center
1400 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
*Located two blocks east of Dupont Circle and Metro *
Date: Wednesday, January 7th
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
RSVP: rsvp@capitolpechakucha.org
Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7086631485
Organizers - Capitol Pecha Kucha
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