Thursday, July 22, 2010 Social or Die Webinar Series

Register now for's "Social or Die" Webinar!

Feeling buried in wedding season... are you working hard but not smart?

Social media can help your company work smarter. The new Weddzilla "Social or Die" webinar series starts next week. The first webinar will focus on the three things you need to STOP doing right now and the three that you need to START doing right immediately to give your business keep its edge.

Aaron Hall, Founder; CEO, and Sara Morgan, Director of Marketing of will be hosting a webinar on the reasons your business should embrace the concept of “Social or Die.”

Space is limited to 100 participants per webinar - sign-up now for one of two available dates:

Tuesday, July 27th @ 6:00 PM (EST)

Wednesday, July 28th @ 10:00 AM (EST)
If you would like to participate in a full seminar or have Aaron Hall or Sara Morgan, Director of Marketing guest speak at your function or via webinar, please email us at

“Social or Die” is a trademark of

(reposted from

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